Ensuring a Seamless Garage Floor Coating Customer Experience

Garage Floor CoatingCustomer Service

Choosing epoxy or polyaspartic flooring for your Maryland home or business is a significant investment, and a smooth installation makes all the difference. We focus on delivering top-notch garage floor coating customer experience from start to finish, ensuring every step of the process is clear, professional, and hassle-free. Here’s how this should all work from the customer perspective. If you’re ... Read More

1-Day or 2-Day Garage Floor Installations: Why You Should Pick the Latter

Garage Floor CoatingPress Release

The Risks of One-Day Systems The faster the better, right? The faster we get our food, the faster we get our deliveries — everyone wants everything right now these days. When it comes to medical care, sure, that’s a good thing. However, when it comes to plumbing or roofing? Not so much. Similarly, rushing the installation of your garage floor ... Read More

Garage Floor Maintenance: Tips from the Local Pros

Garage Floor CoatingCleaning, Epoxy Flooring

To keep your epoxy-coated floor in top condition, you’ll need a few essential cleaning tools to perfect garage floor maintenance. Broom: For sweeping away loose dirt and debris. Bucket with a wringer: For mopping without soaking the floor. String mop: Ideal for a thorough clean. For those who want to take their cleaning routine to the next level, consider adding ... Read More